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■論文No. CMN24028
■ページ数 6ページ

Merchant Relative Dwell Time Ranking for Electric Vehicle Charger Merchant Site Using Semi-Supervised Learning


Merchant Relative Dwell Time Ranking for Electric Vehicle Charger Merchant Site Using Semi-Supervised Learning

■著者名 Kumar Sheetal(Hitachi India Private Limited),Kumar Sharath (Hitachi India Private Limited),Sharma Ankit(Hitachi India Private Limited),Kumar Vinoth (Hitachi India Private Limited)
■著者名(英語) Sheetal Kumar(Hitachi India Private Limited),Sharath Kumar(Hitachi India Private Limited),Ankit Sharma (Hitachi India Private Limited),Vinoth Kumar (Hitachi India Private Limited)
■価格 会員 ¥220 一般 ¥330
■書籍種類 研究会(論文単位)
■グループ名 【C】電子・情報・システム部門 通信研究会
■本誌 2024年3月28日-2024年3月29日通信研究会
■本誌掲載ページ 61-66ページ
■原稿種別 英語
■キーワード Dwell time |EV Charging |site selection|Dwell time |EV Charging |site selection
■要約(日本語) Dwell time is the amount of time spent by customer at a merchant location for making a purchase. It is required to assess customers’ behavior, shopping habits, merchant placement and to evaluate existing locations for value-added services like Electric Vehicles (EVs) charging stations. We propose a novel method to estimate dwell time at merchant locations by using payment transaction data to identify profitable locations for EV charging stations. We use a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning to train a set of classifiers and establish relative dwell time rank. The results indicate the method exhibited an accuracy of 74%.
■要約(英語) Dwell time is the amount of time spent by customer at a merchant location for making a purchase. It is required to assess customers’ behavior, shopping habits, merchant placement and to evaluate existing locations for value-added services like Electric Vehicles (EVs) charging stations. We propose a novel method to estimate dwell time at merchant locations by using payment transaction data to identify profitable locations for EV charging stations. We use a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning to train a set of classifiers and establish relative dwell time rank. The results indicate the method exhibited an accuracy of 74%.
■版 型 A4
■PDFファイルサイズ 1,296Kバイト
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