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■論文No. CMN24030
■ページ数 4ページ

Enhancing Video Surveillance: A Fusion of Spatial Zone Analysis and Temporal View Profiling for Suspicious Activity Detection


Enhancing Video Surveillance: A Fusion of Spatial Zone Analysis and Temporal View Profiling for Suspicious Activity Detection

■著者名 Mitra Abhishek(Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd),Kamoshida Ryota(Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd),Ganesh Ananth(Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd),Banerjee Anoushka(Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd)
■著者名(英語) Abhishek Mitra(Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd),Ryota Kamoshida(Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd),Ananth Ganesh(Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd),Anoushka Banerjee(Hitachi India Pvt. Ltd)
■価格 会員 ¥220 一般 ¥330
■書籍種類 研究会(論文単位)
■グループ名 【C】電子・情報・システム部門 通信研究会
■本誌 2024年3月28日-2024年3月29日通信研究会
■本誌掲載ページ 73-76ページ
■原稿種別 英語
■キーワード Suspicious activity detection|Video surveillance|Zone analysis|view profiling|loitering detection |behavioural pattern|Suspicious activity detection|Video surveillance|Zone analysis|view profiling|loitering detection |behavioural pattern
■要約(日本語) This paper presents a novel approach to enhance video surveillance systems by integrating spatial zone analysis and temporal view profiling for improved detection of suspicious activities. The proposed framework aims to address the limitations of traditional surveillance methods by combining spatial and temporal information to achieve a more meaningful suspicious activity detection mechanism. Spatial zone analysis involves partitioning the surveillance area into distinct zones and analysing each person dwell time and movement pattern across different zones. Simultaneously, temporal view profiling captures person’s viewing patterns and behaviours over time, enabling the system to discern abnormal activities based on temporal dynamics. The fusion of these two approaches results in a comprehensive surveillance system capable of detecting and identifying suspicious activities with higher confidence. The implementation of the proposed framework demonstrate the effectiveness in suspicious activity detection.
■要約(英語) This paper presents a novel approach to enhance video surveillance systems by integrating spatial zone analysis and temporal view profiling for improved detection of suspicious activities. The proposed framework aims to address the limitations of traditional surveillance methods by combining spatial and temporal information to achieve a more meaningful suspicious activity detection mechanism. Spatial zone analysis involves partitioning the surveillance area into distinct zones and analysing each person dwell time and movement pattern across different zones. Simultaneously, temporal view profiling captures person’s viewing patterns and behaviours over time, enabling the system to discern abnormal activities based on temporal dynamics. The fusion of these two approaches results in a comprehensive surveillance system capable of detecting and identifying suspicious activities with higher confidence. The implementation of the proposed framework demonstrate the effectiveness in suspicious activity detection.
■版 型 A4
■PDFファイルサイズ 1,753Kバイト
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