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■論文No. 1459
■ページ数 80ページ



Simulation studies and simulator technologies for HVDC and FACTS

■著者名 電力系統用パワーエレクトロニクス機器の解析・シミュレータ技術調査専門委員会
■著者名(英語) Investigating R&D committee on simulation studies and simulator technologies for HVDC and FACTS
■価格 会員 ¥4,158 一般 ¥5,940
■書籍種類 技術報告
■グループ名 【B】電力・エネルギー部門
■本誌掲載ページ ページ
■キーワード HVDC,FACTS,MMC,系統解析,シミュレータ/HVDC, FACTS, MMC, simulation, simulator
■要約(日本語) わが国では,電力広域的運営推進機関の設置に伴い,地域間の電力融通や送電網の増強が議論され,広域連系系統計画には直流技術の東京中部間連系設備のさらなる増強なども議論,計画されている。また,わが国の信頼度の高い電力系統においても安定度,電圧などの系統課題が顕在化しており,解決策として自励交直変換器などの機器技術の適用が活発化している。欧州では,大容量洋上ウィンドファームの計画,建設が進み,陸上変電所との接続手段として自励直流送電を適用したプロジェクトが複数実用化されている。交流送電接続時も陸上変電所側の電圧変動抑制対策としてSTATCOMを適用した事例が多い。
■要約(英語) The Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO) has been established in Japan. Cross-regional power interchange and power grid reinforcement are discussed and further frequency converter reinforcement between 50Hz and 60Hz is discussed and planned in power system planning of network connection. Power system problems regarding power system stability and voltage have been actualized even in highly reliable power grid in Japan, and FACTS technology such as STATCOM is applied for the countermeasure actively. Offshore wind farm projects are planned and constructed in Europe. A VSC-HVDC is applied as the connection method between the offshore wind farm and the onshore substation. FACTS technology is also applied to the countermeasure for a grid code in case of AC connection between them. HVDC and FACTS have potential abilities hidden in future power grid and will be installed increasingly as mentioned reasons. Power system analysis and real-time simulator are powerful methods for the planning, design, manufacturing and academic research in terms of HVDC and FACTS. However the simulations of HVDC and FACTS are significantly different from usual AC simulations and require unique consideration and attention. This technical report investigates simulation tools, methods, examples, simulator technologies, simulator tests, etc. The report offers useful information for engineers and researchers who are engaged in planning, design, simulation, manufacturing and operation of HVDC and FACTS for power grid.
■版 型 A4
■PDFファイルサイズ 19Mバイト
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