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■ページ数 10ページ



Experiment of Execution Time in Decentralized Transaction System of Surplus PV Output using Blockchain

■著者名 長塚 卓巳(東京理科大学 大学院 工学研究科 電気工学専攻),佐野 盛僚(東京理科大学 大学院 工学研究科 電気工学専攻),山口 順之(東京理科大学 大学院 工学研究科 電気工学専攻)
■著者名(英語) Takumi Nagatsuka (Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science), Moriaki Sano (Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science), Nobuyuki Yamaguchi (Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science)
■価格 会員 ¥550 一般 ¥770
■書籍種類 論文誌(論文単位)
■グループ名 【B】電力・エネルギー部門
■本誌 電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) Vol.140 No.3 (2020) 特集:未来社会創造に向けた超電導バルク材の挑戦
■本誌掲載ページ 176-185ページ
■原稿種別 論文/日本語
■電子版へのリンク https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ieejpes/140/3/140_176/_article/-char/ja/
■キーワード スマートコントラクト,電力市場,小口顧客,トークン,デマンドサイドマネージメント  smart contract,energy market,small customer,token,demand-side management
■要約(英語) In Japan, a large amount of photovoltaics has been introduced because of Feed-in Tariff for renewable energy resources. As the results, it is necessary to suppress the output of photovoltaics to maintain supply and demand balance. In the future, however, it is expected to make more effective use of renewable energy by demand-side management. This paper proposes a method to realize power trading among consumers who buy surplus electricity from photovoltaics by smart contracts on the blockchain. According to the conventional method in Japan, the transmission and distribution company, which is responsible for supply reliability, forecasts the surplus of solar power the next day, directs PV producers to suppress output. Conversely, this paper proposes that the PV producers search for customers who can carry out storing electricity and the demand shift in the local power exchange using the blockchain, in response to the output suppression command from the transmission and distribution company.
■版 型 A4
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