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■ページ数 6ページ



Fabrication of C-plane Oriented Hydroxyapatite Film on Amorphous SiO2 Substrate

■著者名 岡田 悠希(近畿大学大学院 生物理工学研究科),渡部 由香(近畿大学大学院 生物理工学研究科),佐藤 匠海(近畿大学大学院 生物理工学研究科),楠 正暢(近畿大学大学院 生物理工学研究科)
■著者名(英語) Yuki Okada (Graduate School of Biology Oriented Science and Technology, Kindai Univercity), Yuka Watanabe (Graduate School of Biology Oriented Science and Technology, Kindai Univercity), Takumi Sato (Graduate School of Biology Oriented Science and Technology, Kindai Univercity), Masanobu Kusunoki (Graduate School of Biology Oriented Science and Technology, Kindai Univercity)
■価格 会員 ¥550 一般 ¥770
■書籍種類 論文誌(論文単位)
■グループ名 【C】電子・情報・システム部門
■本誌 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) Vol.139 No.11 (2019)特集T:国際会議ICESS 2018 特集U:電気関係学会関西連合大会
■本誌掲載ページ 1260-1265ページ
■原稿種別 論文/日本語
■電子版へのリンク https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ieejeiss/139/11/139_1260/_article/-char/ja/
■キーワード 配向制御,ハイドロキシアパタイト,フッ化アパタイト,アモルファスSiO2,パルスレーザーデポジション法,バイオチップ  crystal orientation control,Hydroxyapatite,Fluoroapatite,amorphous SiO2,Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD),biochip
■要約(英語) We investigated a fabrication technique of c-plane oriented hydroxyapatite (HA) crystalline film on low cost amorphous SiO2 substrates to apply the orientation-controlled HA crystal to disposal biochips. An experiment was conducted by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method. We showed that a high quality HA crystalline film was able to be grown by using a fluoroapatite (FA) buffer layer, which was self-oriented on amorphous SiO2. A relationship between a FA film thickness and the HA quality was examined with an aim of minimizing a toxic risk of F to biomolecules, even if it was eluted from FA. It was found that the thickness of the FA film could be reduced to about 7.5 nm, at the same time, the crystallinity and a smoothness of HA were also excellent. A crystal growth model of FA on the amorphous SiO2 was also studied. We considered that highly reactive F in a laser-ablated-plume substituted for O on the substrate surface, which became a migration trap, causing 3-dimensional island growth as FA crystal nuclei. This model consistently agreed with a series of experimental results.
■版 型 A4
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