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■論文No. 002
■ページ数 7ページ

同期発電機と並列運転する疑似慣性を有するGrid forming inverterの慣性定数の変化に対する過渡特性


Transient Characteristics Evaluation of Parallel Operation between a Diesel Synchronous Generator and Virtual Synchronous Controlled Grid-Forming Inverters with Variable Inertia in a Microgrid

■著者名 林強(東芝研究開発センター),宇野皓(東芝研究開発センター),小川健一郎(東芝研究開発センター),兼清靖弘(東芝研究開発センター),司城徹(東芝研究開発センター)
■著者名(英語) Qiang Lin (Toshiba corporaiton R&D center), Hiroshi Uno (Toshiba corporaiton R&D center), kenichiro Ogawa (Toshiba corporaiton R&D center), Yasuhiro Kanekiyo (Toshiba corporaiton R&D center), tetsu Shijo (Toshiba corporaiton R&D center)
■価格 会員 ¥220 一般 ¥440
■書籍種類 部門大会
■グループ名 【B】令和4年電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会
■本誌掲載ページ ページ
■キーワード 分散電源|ディーゼル発電機|仮想同期発電機|グリッドフォーミングインバータ|慣性可変|distributed sources|diesel synchronous generator|virtual synchronous generator|grid forming inverter (GFM)|variable inertia
■要約(英語) With the widespread of renewable energy, the inverter-based proportion of the generating capacity in the power system is increased. For the grid following inverters (GFLs) that do not have inertia and can’t operate in stand-alone mode, the stability of the power system is declined. The virtual synchronous generator (VSG) controlled grid forming inverters (GFMs) that are controlled to behave like a synchronous generator are developed to solve this issue. In this paper, the VSG controlled GFMs with variable inertia are investigated, and a close imitation micro-gird system for an experiment is developed. The transient and stable characteristics of the VSG controlled GFMs with variable inertia are analyzed. The dynamics, implementation, and parallel operation with synchronous generator and GFLs under the load changing are evaluated, and the improvement of system stability by increasing the inertia power is verified by experiment.
■版 型 A4
■PDFファイルサイズ 1,580Kバイト
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