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■論文No. 1501
■ページ数 51ページ



Trends in the Latest Technology for Maintaining the Lightning Resistance and Improving the Operating Rate of Wind Power Generation Facilities

■著者名 風力発電設備の耐雷健全性維持技術と法規制・規格調査専門委員会
■著者名(英語) Investigating R&D Committee on Maintenance of the Lightning Resistance and Regulations/Standards of Wind Power Generation Facilities
■価格 会員 ¥4,158 一般 ¥5,940
■書籍種類 技術報告
■グループ名 【B】電力・エネルギー部門
■本誌掲載ページ ページ
■キーワード 風力発電,雷,雷保護,健全性維持,稼働率向上,保守・メンテナンス/Wind power generation, Lightning, Lightning protection, Maintenance of soundness, Improvement of Operation ratio, Maintenance
■要約(日本語) 風力発電が日本に普及し始めてから約20年が経過し,その間,台風(暴風)・乱流・雷などによる自然災害を数多く経験することで,その分野の対策技術が進歩してきた。しかしながら,雷による被害は未だ風車事故・故障原因の約25 %を占めており,さらなる被害低減のための技術の向上が必要とされている。
(1) 最近の雷被害とその対策方法,(2) 最新技術の耐雷性能,(3) 数値解析を用いた接地設計,(4) 風車の稼働率向上に向けた取組,(5) 風車への雷撃予測技術の現状,(6) 法規制・規格の改訂と認証評価,(7) 洋上風力で予想される雷被害とその対策,(8) 雷リスクマネジメントの考え方や適用方法,雷害対策に関する費用便益分析を含めた評価手法
■要約(英語) About 20 years have passed since wind power generation started to spread in Japan. In the meantime, by experiencing many natural disasters due to typhoons (storms), turbulence, lightning, etc., countermeasure technology in these fields has advanced. However, the damage caused by lightning still accounts for about 25% of the causes of wind turbine accidents and failures, and it is necessary to develop technology to further reduce damage. In order to reduce the damage of lightning on a wind turbine and ensure public safety, it is important to improve the lightning resistance of the wind turbine itself so that lightning accidents are less likely to occur. It is also important to minimize damage in the unlikely event of an accident and prevent component parts from falling or scattering. In particular, in recent years, an automatic discrimination system has been proposed, which accurately detects a lightning strike, immediately grasps the situation of its lightning damage, and determines whether the wind turbine needs repair or can be continuously operated. The improvement of such technology leading to the improvement of the operation rate of the wind turbine is remarkable. From these points of view, the latest trends in lightning protection technology for wind turbines are summarized. In addition, we summarized the trends in the latest technology for improving the operating rate of wind turbines and prediction of lightning strikes on wind turbines, and the concept of risk management for wind turbine lightning damage and its evaluation and application methods. The main survey items are as follows. (1) Recent lightning damage and its countermeasures, (2) Latest lightning protection technology, (3) Grounding design using numerical analysis, (4) Efforts to improve the operating rate of wind turbines, (5) Technology for predicting lightning strike to wind turbines, (6) Revision of regulations and standards, and certification, (7) Lightning damage expected in offshore wind turbines and its countermeasures, (8) Concept and application method for lightning risk management, and evaluation methods including the cost-benefit analysis for lightning protection methods.
■版 型 A4
■PDFファイルサイズ 33Mバイト
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