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■論文No. |
■ページ数 |
5ページ |
2024/02/01 |
■タイトル |
事象関連電位に基づく咀嚼音の認知特性評価 |
■タイトル(英語) |
Evaluation of Cognitive Characteristics of Masticatory Sounds based on Event-related Potentials |
■著者名 |
魚津 歓多(青山学院大学理工学部),大岩 孝輔(長岡技術科学大学),南雲 健人(青山学院大学理工学部),野澤 昭雄(青山学院大学理工学部) |
■著者名(英語) |
Kanta Uotsu (College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University), Kosuke Oiwa (College of Science and Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology), Kent Nagumo (College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University), Akio Nozawa (College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University) |
■価格 |
会員 ¥550 一般 ¥770 |
■書籍種類 |
論文誌(論文単位) |
■グループ名 |
【A】基礎・材料・共通部門 |
■本誌 |
電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌) Vol.144 No.2 (2024) 特集:イノベーションを創出する最新の計測技術2024
■本誌掲載ページ |
51-55ページ |
■原稿種別 |
論文/日本語 |
■電子版へのリンク |
■キーワード |
mastication sounds,event-related potential,P300 |
■要約(日本語) |
■要約(英語) |
A mastication sound is one of the important factors in the perception of taste. Effects of the mastication sound on texture, pleasure, and discomfort have been investigated by sensory evaluation based on psychological questionnaires and texture evaluations. However, few quantitative evaluations of effects of mastication sound on human cognitive processes have been conducted. In this study, we evaluated statistically and quantitatively the physiological, psychological, and behavioral parameters measured by the oddball task using each of three types of mastication sounds as target stimuli. As a result, significant differences were found between preference and latency of P300 depending on the type of sound, suggesting that latency of P300 is an index that reflects preference. In the correlation analysis, a negative correlation was found between ease of audibility and latency of P300 and reaction time. Therefore, it is suggested that event-related potentials are an effective index that can evaluate the cognitive characteristics of mastication sound. |
■版 型 |
A4 |