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■論文No. |
■ページ数 |
6ページ |
2024/05/01 |
■タイトル |
高温・急速低周波誘導加熱によるセミプロセス材の磁気特性向上に関する検討 |
■タイトル(英語) |
Investigation on Improvement of Magnetic Properties of Semi Processed Materials by using High-Temperature and Rapid Low-frequency Induction Heating |
■著者名 |
佐世 蓮太朗(大分大学),戸高 孝(大分大学),佐藤 尊(大分大学),木下 創(住友重機械工業(株)) |
■著者名(英語) |
Rentaro Sayo (Oita University), Takashi Todaka (Oita University), Takeru Sato (Oita University), Tsukuru Kinoshita (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.) |
■価格 |
会員 ¥550 一般 ¥770 |
■書籍種類 |
論文誌(論文単位) |
■グループ名 |
【A】基礎・材料・共通部門 |
■本誌 |
電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌) Vol.144 No.5 (2024)
■本誌掲載ページ |
165-170ページ |
■原稿種別 |
論文/日本語 |
■電子版へのリンク |
■キーワード |
低周波誘導加熱,セミプロセス材,電磁鋼板,磁気特性 low frequency induction heating,semi processed materials,electrical steel sheet,magnetic property |
■要約(日本語) |
■要約(英語) |
In order to reduce power consumption, research is being actively conducted to reduce iron losses of electrical steel sheets, which are the common core material of electric motors. Semi processed materials usually need to be annealed after forming into motor cores, and applying rapid heating is expected to significantly improve their magnetic properties. In this study, we focused on use of induction heating techniques, which enable short annealing time, and investigated the annealing effect on semi processed materials. In this paper, a low frequency induction heating annealing was applied to the semi processed materials, and it was shown that the magnetic property was improved by annealing at high temperature during short annealing period. |
■版 型 |
A4 |