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■ページ数 10ページ



A Study on Voltage Fluctuation and Transmission Loss in a Single-Machine Infinite-Bus System with High Penetration of Inverter-Interfaced Power Generation

■著者名 山田 康暉(愛知工業大学工学部電気学科),津坂 亮博(愛知工業大学工学部電気学科),七原 俊也(愛知工業大学工学部電気学科),雪田 和人(愛知工業大学工学部電気学科)
■著者名(英語) Yasuaki Yamada (Aichi Institute of Technology), Akihiro Tsusaka (Aichi Institute of Technology), Toshiya Nanahara (Aichi Institute of Technology), Kazuto Yukita (Aichi Institute of Technology)
■価格 会員 ¥550 一般 ¥770
■書籍種類 論文誌(論文単位)
■グループ名 【B】電力・エネルギー部門
■本誌 電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) Vol.144 No.3 (2024)
■本誌掲載ページ 234-243ページ
■原稿種別 論文/日本語
■電子版へのリンク https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ieejpes/144/3/144_234/_article/-char/ja/
■キーワード 再生可能エネルギー,送電損失,力率制御,短絡容量比,インバータ電源,P-V曲線  renewable energy,power loss,power factor control,short-circuit ratio,inverter,P-V curve
■要約(英語) Recently, the installed capacity of inverter-based resources (IBR), such as photovoltaic and wind power generations, has been sharply increasing in power systems across the world. The increase causes concerns on the increases of voltage fluctuations and transmission losses in a power system. The paper examines the voltage fluctuations and transmission losses due to the increases of IBR for a single-inverter infinite-bus system by focusing the maximum reverse power flow received by the infinite-bus. It derives the relations between the voltage of the inverter and the power received at the infinite bus in addition to that between the voltage and output of the inverter. The results show that, when the inverter power is to be increased, the power received at the infinite bus reaches the maximum before the inverter power gets the maximum. Numerical studies reveal that the short-circuit ratio (SCR) corresponding to the maximum power received at the infinite bus is about 1.5 to 3.0, which coincide with empirical value for SCR, for the system adapting the inverter power factor control proposed by the authors.
■版 型 A4
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