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■ページ数 7ページ



A Study on Electrode Positions Around the Ear for BCI Development using SSVEP

■著者名 伊藤 真由(富山県立大学大学院 大学院工学研究科),崔 高超(富山県立大学大学院 大学院工学研究科),木下 史也(富山県立大学大学院 大学院工学研究科),唐山 英明(富山県立大学大学院 大学院工学研究科)
■著者名(英語) Mayu Ito (Graduate School of Engineering, Toyama Prefectural University), Gaochao Cui (Graduate School of Engineering, Toyama Prefectural University), Fumiya Kinoshita (Graduate School of Engineering, Toyama Prefectural University), Hideaki Touyama (Graduate School of Engineering, Toyama Prefectural University)
■価格 会員 ¥550 一般 ¥770
■書籍種類 論文誌(論文単位)
■グループ名 【C】電子・情報・システム部門
■本誌 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) Vol.143 No.2 (2023) 特集:エネルギー分野へ適用されたAI・IoT技術
■本誌掲載ページ 178-184ページ
■原稿種別 論文/日本語
■電子版へのリンク https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ieejeiss/143/2/143_178/_article/-char/ja/
■キーワード ブレイン・コンピュータ・インタフェース(BCI),定常視覚誘発電位(SSVEP),ear-EEG  Brain-Computer Interface (BCI),Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEP),ear-EEG
■要約(英語) In recent years, with the advent of wearable EEG devices, brain-computer interface (BCI) has become popular not only in the medical field but also for general use. Conventional wearable EEG devices are mainly worn on the head, which induces discomfort when worn for a long time and is unattractive. The area around the ear can be considered as a measurement site that solves these problems and is easy to wear. However, there is still little knowledge about EEG around the ear, and the appropriate measurement site has not been determined. In this study, we investigated the optimal electrode placement and EEG recording method around the right ear for steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), which has a high signal-to-noise ratio among EEGs used in BCI. Electrodes were attached to Pz, Oz, and eight locations around the right ear, and measurements were performed using unipolar and bipolar leads. The cross-correlation coefficients between Pz, Oz, and the electrodes around the right ear were calculated, and two locations with particularly high values were identified. In addition, by calculating the EEG data combination from multiple channels around right ear, some channel combinations were found which can significantly improve the discrimination accuracy of BCI system.
■版 型 A4
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