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■ページ数 134ページ

IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications Vol.13 No.4 (2024) Special Issue on “JIASC 2023”


IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications Vol.13 No.4 (2024) Special Issue on “JIASC 2023”

■価格 会員 ¥1,320 一般 ¥1,650
■書籍種類 論文誌(号単位)
■グループ名 【D】産業応用部門(英文)
■電子版へのリンク https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/ieejjia/13/4/_contents/-char/ja/
■要約(日本語) ・Estimation of Arm Stiffness Using Force Information of a Hand in Contact with a Highly Rigid Environment:Ryosuke Shibuya,Toshiaki Tsuji
・Design and Optimization of Different Integrated Bearingless Motor Topologies for Magnetic-Geared Motors:Akira Kumashiro,Yusuke Fujii,Akira Chiba,Wolfgang Gruber,Gerald Jungmayr
・Technical Trends of SiC Power Semiconductor Devices and Their Applications in Power Electronics:Naoto Fujishima
・Defect Detection in Metal-Ceramic Substrate Based on Image Processing and Machine Learning:Min Zou,Kota Matsunaga,Yuji Ueda,Tsuyoshi Sugawara,Hideyo Osanai,Yoichi Kageyama
・Acceleration Bias Drift Observer for Industrial Robots with an Accelerometer and Its Applications:Sora Nagao,Yusuke Kawai,Yuki Yokokura,Kiyoshi Ohishi,Toshimasa Miyazaki
・Experimental Evaluation of the Online MTPA Angle Search Method Based on Flux-linkage Plane Estimation for IPMSMs:Shigeo Morimoto,Yuki Shimizu,Yukinori Inoue,Masayuki Sanada
・Disturbance Response and Force Control of a Magnetic Lead Screw Actuator:Akira Heya,Yoshihiro Nakata,Tetsuya Abe,Katsuhiro Hirata
・PWM Dual Current Source Inverter Connected in Parallel for Induction Motor Drives:Yasuhiko Neba,Takeshi Ohno,Shintaro Kusuki
・Over 99.7% Efficiency at 100kW DC-DC Power Conversion using a 3.3kV SiC Device and Discussion on Device dv/dt Estimation:Atsuo Kawamura,Yukinori Tsuruta,Hidemine Obara
・Analysis and Design of Class-E Amplifier with Nonlinear Output Capacitance Model Using Sigmoid Function for GaN HEMT:Shota Seki,Tsuyoshi Funaki
・Torque Improvement in Spoke-Type Interior Permanent Magnet Motors Using Resin-Unit-Type Shaft Fastening Structures:Shoki Nakagoshi,Yuki Hidaka
・Topology Optimization for Motor Slot with Heat Generation Rate Depending on Winding Occupancy:Akihiro Katsuno,Toshiyuki Murakami
・A Low-Cost Phase-Synchronization Method for Double-Sided LCC Wireless Power Transfer Systems with Active Rectifiers:Takachika Hatano,Daiki Satou,Ryosuke Ota,Ryohei Okada,Hiroyasu Kobayashi,Shigeo Masukawa,Nobukazu Hoshi
・Study on Decreasing the Rotor Eddy Current Loss of Surface Permanent-Magnet Motors with Copper Sleeves:Takahiro Mizuta,Kazumasa Ito,Toshinori Tanaka
・Development of Dual Active Bridge DC-DC Converter to Achieve High Efficiency in Wide Voltage and Load Range and Application to V2H Systems:Shogo Nakahara,Satoshi Nagai,Makoto Ochiai,Yoshitaka Muguruma,Shinya Kawai,Hidemasa Yamaguchi,Kenichi Saruta,Hidetoshi Kanazawa
■版 型 A4
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