For the insulation diagnosis of stator windings of generators, sampling surveys are conducted on the coils to estimate the dielectric strength of the stator winding. Previous research has relied on inferring the breakdow ... more
This paper describes measurements of progression velocity and electric field intensity at the head of plasma bullet in atmospheric pressure argon plasma jets (APJs) using two-typed probe. The probe used firstly is consis ... more
Characterizations of pulsed power output for pulsed power generator using GaN FET have been evaluated and compared with using SiC-MOS FET. The fast rise/fall time of output voltage without the dependance on the dummy loa ... more
G-Value of Hydrogen Peroxide Generated by Water Radiolysis with Irradiation of Pulsed Intense Relativistic Electron Beam
論文No: ページ数: 2 日付: 2024/12/01
著者: Soichi Hasegawa (Department of Nuclear Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology), Kazumasa Takahashi (Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology), Toru Sasaki (Department of Science of Technology Innovation, Nagaoka University of Technology/Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology), Takashi Kikuchi (Department of Nuclear Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology/Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology/Extreme Energy-Density Research Institute, Nagaoka University of Technology), Go Imada (Department of Engineering, Niigata Institute of Technology/Extreme Energy-Density Research Institute, Nagaoka University of Technology)
キーワード : pulsed intense relativistic electron beam (PIREB),dose,G-value,hydrogen peroxide
G-value of hydrogen peroxide irradiated by pulsed intense relativistic electron beam (PIREB) was demonstrated. The PIREB with a kinetic energy of up to 2 MeV and pulse duration of 100 ns (FWHM) was generated using the in ... more
In the diagnosis of reinforced concrete, investigating the size and cover thickness of the reinforcement is important. Electromagnetic radar, which conducts surveys by identifying scattered waveforms, is highly valued fo ... more
Relationship between Apoptosis Induction in Cancer Cells and the Amount of Electrical Stimulation on Frequency Analysis of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field
Nanosecond pulse electric field (nsPEF) therapy has attracted attention in recent years as a non-invasive cancer treatment with minimal side effects. However, the relationship between the electrical stress induced in cel ... more
In this study, we explore an innovative method for iodine oxidation utilizing ozone generated through plasma phenomena. This advancement is particularly timely due to the anticipated surge in raw material costs attribute ... more
The reconnection/merging of two spherical tokamak (ST) plasmas is found to transform their low-beta ST equilibria with peaked current density profiles to a single high-beta one with hollow current density profile. Our 2D ... more
Data Science, Simulation, and Experimental Methods for Exploration and Design of Superconducting Materials
論文No: ページ数: 6 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: 堀出 朋哉(名古屋大学),伊豫 彰(産業技術総合研究所),一野 祐亮(愛知工業大学)
キーワード : 超電導物質探索,機械学習,データベース,インフォマティクス,シミュレーション exploration of new superconductors,machine learning,database,informatics,simulation
The discovery of new superconductors has a significant impact on the scientific and engineering communities, unraveling interesting physical phenomena and providing unique applications in energy and devices. Superconduct ... more
Natural Language Processing for Materials Informatics of Literature Data―Examples in the Superconducting Material Development―
論文No: ページ数: 10 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: 桂 ゆかり((国研)物質・材料研究機構/筑波大学/(国研)理化学研究所)
キーワード : マテリアルズインフォマティクス,テキストデータマイニング,自然言語処理,大規模言語モデル,超電導材料 materials informatics,text & data mining,natural language processing,large language models,superconductors
As an emerging style of materials science, we discussed the basic and recent natural language processing technologies, that can be used to collect large experimental dataset for materials informatics. We introduce the cl ... more
Current Status and Future Perspective of the Utilization of Data Science Methods in the Development of Fabrication Processes for Superconducting Materials
The process informatics, which utilizes database constructed from process, computational simulation, measurement and structural analysis data, is a promising method for accelerating materials development. This review des ... more
The data-driven research has progressed in recent years. Particularly in the field of superconducting materials, there has been active research into the search for new materials, especially by materials informatics (MI). ... more
Image analysis to identify the phases from microstructural images is an important issue for understanding the mechanism associated with the microstructures of functional polycrystalline materials. In this study, the segm ... more
Calculated Waveform and Peculiarity of Radiated Electric Field due to Collision ESD between Metallic Spheres with Charging Voltages below 1000 V Using Spark Resistance Law
Collision ESD between charged metallic objects below 1000 V causes electromagnetic interference in electronic equipment and devices. This interference is being observed to intensify at lower charging voltages. The phenom ... more
Frequency and propagation time analyses of the TEV signals were carried out for various distances from patrial discharge source. It was found that the signal immediately after propagation to the TEV sensor contained a hi ... more
The purpose of this investigating R&D committee on magnetic sensor with machine learning is to grasp the research and development trends in the basic technology of magnetic sensor with machine learning. Since 2020 we hel ... more
We have developed a highly sensitive tunnel magneto-resistive (TMR) sensor. A sensitivity has been dramatically improved by development of soft-magnetic materials and optimization of structure of TMR devices. In addition ... more
The purpose of this study is to increase the output voltage for magnetic bistable device. First, this paper surveys several magnetic bistable devices, and mentions the residual stress in the magnetic wires. Two experimen ... more
Thin-film magnetoimpedance element utilizes impedance change based on ferromagnetic resonance and skin effect via magnetic permeability change when a magnetic field is applied. The impedance change ratio about 400% has b ... more
We have developed a novel nondestructive inspection technique for infrastructures using spintronics technologies. Since the tunnel magneto-resistance (TMR) effect has become dramatically more sensitive in recent years, T ... more
Recently, optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs), which use the spin polarization of alkali metal atoms to measure magnetic fields, have attracted much attention. However, in order to realize high-sensitivity biomagnetic- ... more
Recently, core loss evaluation and magnetization process analysis at high-frequency have become more important. Fiorillo et al. proposed the method to analyze the frequency characteristic in magnetization process by sepa ... more
Improved Efficiency of Magnetic Field Contactless Power Transfer using Relay Circuit with Resonant Frequency Different from Power Supply Frequency
論文No: ページ数: 8 日付: 2024/07/01
著者: 伊藤 将(千葉工業大学大学院工学研究科電気電子工学専攻),相知 政司(千葉工業大学工学部電気電子工学科)
キーワード : 磁界結合型非接触給電,共振回路,センサネットワーク magnetic field coupling type contactless power supply,resonant circuit,sensor network
In this study, a relay resonance circuit is used transmitted power to the sensor module using four-parallel cubic coils, and the efficiency decrease with the change in the transmission distance is investigated experiment ... more
Calibration of the DC Resistance from 10MΩ to 10TΩ with Dual Source Bridge Type High Precision High Resistance Measuring Instrument
論文No: ページ数: 7 日付: 2024/07/01
著者: 征矢 隼人(長野県工業技術総合センター 精密・電子・航空技術部門/公立諏訪東京理科大学 工学部 情報応用工学科),大江 武彦((国研)産業技術総合研究所 計量標準総合センター 物理計測標準研究部門),染谷 貴史(長野県工業技術総合センター 精密・電子・航空技術部門),金子 晋久((国研)産業技術総合研究所 計量標準総合センター 物理計測標準研究部門)
キーワード : 高抵抗測定,直流電気抵抗器,直流抵抗標準 high resistance measurement,DC electric resistor,DC resistance standard
We investigated a measurement method using a dual source bridge type high-precision high-resistance measuring instrument ranging from 10MΩ to 10TΩ. All possible uncertainty components of the instrument were evaluated and ... more
We are developing a user-friendly tabletop NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) quantum computer for student labs. This device enables the observation of quantum behaviors of atomic nuclei and aims to demonstrate quantum alg ... more
The investigation of voids in concrete slabs is a crucial aspect of concrete diagnostics. We have reported that it is possible to efficiently detect the presence of voids by identifying the scattered waveform through an ... more
We investigated equivalent radii of penetration holes in insulating films in order to clarify that discharge diameter and gas temperature distribution shape of impulse arc discharge during penetrating insulating films. W ... more
It has been required to develop simulation of vacuum arcs as a tool to aid electrode design in vacuum circuit breakers. Although the development of electromagnetic thermo-fluid simulations for vacuum arcs has been report ... more