Technology Trends of Industrial Heat Pumps for Expanding their Applications
論文No: ページ数: 4 日付: 2024/12/01
著者: 甲斐田 武延((一財)電力中央研究所)
キーワード : ヒートポンプ,TRL,COP,温度リフト,二次エネルギー価格比 heat pump,technology readiness level,coefficient of performance,temperature lift,electricity-fuel price ratio
The importance of industrial heat pumps for decarbonization has gained widespread recognition. Research, development and demonstration of high-temperature heat pumps with supply of 100℃ or higher are being accelerated es ... more
In this paper, the authors propose an ensemble forecasting method using multiple individuals for short-time-ahead (one hour ahead) insolation forecasting by using neuro evolution (NE), in which a genetic algorithm is app ... more
Impacts of Quadrature-axis Equivalent Circuit Model of Turbine Generator on Simulation Results of Frequency Change in Grid Fault
論文No: ページ数: 10 日付: 2024/12/01
著者: 青木 廉((一財)電力中央研究所),天野 博之((一財)電力中央研究所)
キーワード : タービン発電機,横軸リアクタンス,周波数変化率,インバータ脱落 turbine generator,quadrature-axis reactance,rate of change of frequency,inverter trip
In power system dynamic analysis, especially voltage analysis at load disconnection, it is known that the turbine generator model considering quadrature axis transient reactance Xq' (called LGT =5 in CRIEPI's Power Syste ... more
When a constraint violation occurs due to adding a new load to distribution systems, it can be resolved by reconfiguring the distribution systems by changing the states of switches and/or by minimum necessary investment. ... more
During power outages, blackout sections could be recovered early by switching the states of switchgears in distribution networks. The scale of the remaining power outage depends on the initial network configuration. Ther ... more
This paper proposes the application of IEC 61850 standards to manage communications for output curtailment setpoints directed at generators with non-firm connection agreements. The unique requirements of such communicati ... more
For the efficient lightning protection design, analysis of actual outages is essential. We estimate the strokes causing surge protection device burnout faults using two ways. One method considers the location, and the ot ... more
Various practical problems including power system problems have been solved using least squares methods as basic techniques. However, the methods cannot be applied when outliers exist in data or errors are not normally d ... more
The Japanese government aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and transition to renewable energy sources.However, traditional methods for restoring the power system after blackouts may not be suitable for future rene ... more
In power systems, market mechanisms exist to match supply and demand in an economically rational way. However, supply and reserve shortages can occur in situations where the spot and reserve markets coexist. This paper p ... more
Safety Requirement of Electric Facilities in BESS Fire Accidents Viewpoint
論文No: ページ数: 7 日付: 2024/11/01
著者: 田代 洋一郎(東京電力ホールディングス(株))
キーワード : 蓄電池システム,火災事故,電力設備,安全,電気設備技術基準,国際標準規格 battery energy storage system,fire accident,electric power equipment,system safety,national electric safety code,international standard
The Battery Energy Storage Systems are compatible with renewable energy, so they are becoming increasingly popular around the world. On the other hand, the number of fire accidents is increasing with the spread of batter ... more
Breakage of shielding layers is one of the factors for degradation of extruded three-layer (E-E type) 6.6kV cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) cables. When a shielding layer breaks, where a charging current flows through a ... more
This paper introduces the integration method of system dynamics into unit commitment (UC) by defining constraints of the Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF), Nadir, and quasi-steady state based on the swing equations. It ... more
High Accuracy Short-term Wind Speed Prediction Methods based on LSTM
論文No: ページ数: 8 日付: 2024/10/01
著者: Botong Chen (Department of Electronics and Bioinformatics, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University), Shoji Kawasaki (Department of Electronics and Bioinformatics, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University)
キーワード : wind speed prediction,machine learning,neural network,LSTM,time series analysis
Recently, with the growing problem of global warming and the depletion of fossil resources, government's attention has been focused on renewable energy sources. Wind power, a major renewable energy source, is underutiliz ... more
Charging and Discharging Schedule Optimization Method Considering Renewable Energy and Distribution System for Electric Buses
論文No: ページ数: 14 日付: 2024/10/01
著者: 加藤 夏乃(早稲田大学),石井 綱吉(早稲田大学),飯野 穣(早稲田大学),林 泰弘(早稲田大学),内山 慎距(東京電力パワーグリッド(株)),生石 光平(東京電力パワーグリッド(株)),森 健二郎(東京電力パワーグリッド(株))
キーワード : 電動バス,充放電計画最適化,セクターカップリング,電力潮流平準化,配電系統電力品質 electric bus,charge/discharge schedule optimization,sector coupling,power flow smoothing,distribution system power quality
Electric buses are introduced toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, and there is a movement to utilize their storage batteries. On the other hand, the electric power system, where distributed energy resources are r ... more
Acceleration of Large-scale Power System Analysis Including Phase-domain Rotating Machine Models Using Partial Refactorization in Electromagnetic Transient Analysis
One of the models for rotating machines such as synchronous machines and induction machines is the phase-domain model, which is characterized by formulating the circuit equations of the rotating machine in the phase doma ... more
The paper presents a new fault location method with travelling waves (surge) on distribution line to restore power supply as soon as possible. Proposed method builds a diagram which describes transmission and reflection ... more
Hybrid CPV/PV modules can achieve higher conversion efficiency than conventional concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules by utilizing the diffuse solar irradiance component. We fabricated a hybrid CPV/PV module consistin ... more
All-solid-state batteries, which replace the organic electrolytes used in existing lithium-ion batteries with inorganic solid electrolytes in powder form, are being developed as next-generation batteries for electric veh ... more
The Voltage and Reactive Power Control Methodology for Sub-transmission Network using Machine Learning
論文No: ページ数: 10 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: 松島 史弥(名古屋工業大学),青木 睦(名古屋工業大学),上田 勝久(中部電力(株)技術開発本部 電力技術研究所),Suresh Chand Verma(中部電力(株)技術開発本部 電力技術研究所),中津井 紳司(中部電力(株)技術開発本部 電力技術研究所)
キーワード : 電圧・無効電力制御,深層強化学習,太陽光発電システム,特別高圧系統,電圧推定 voltage and reactive power control,deep reinforcement learning,photovoltaic generation system,sub-transmission network,voltage estimation
A voltage and reactive power control method is used in substations to control transformer taps and shunt capacitors/reactors in order to maintain the voltage of a power system. It becomes difficult with the conventional ... more
This paper proposes a solar carport model that uses only renewable energy. The configuration of the model is the photovoltaic power generation, a power conditioner system, a transformer, LED lightings, and an electric ve ... more
If a voltage dip gets lower than a certain threshold at the moment when a transformer is energized, its mitigation is required. For this reason, when a transformer is energized, the voltage dip is calculated in advance a ... more
To study necessary actions to realize 2050 Carbon Neutrality, the impact of possible changes in major surrounding conditions on the power source mix is assessed mainly from an economic viewpoint. Prior research shows tha ... more
In an outdoor DC power supply system that enables bidirectional power transfer of DC 380V between multiple buildings, a short circuit causes a coordination problem in protection, resulting in power outage of the bus wiri ... more
Trends of Asset Management Techniques for Electric Power Network Equipment
論文No: ページ数: 4 日付: 2024/08/01
著者: 橋 紹大((一財)電力中央研究所)
キーワード : 電力流通設備,アセットマネジメント,リスク,故障率,コスト electric power network equipment,asset management,risk,failure rate,cost
In developed countries, the maintenance of ageing electric power equipment is an important issue, and rational measures are being pursued. This article presents the background to the focus on the asset management techniq ... more
A large number of photovoltaic generation systems (PV) are being introduced into distribution systems. Massive PV integration requires some technical challenges such as voltage control, unbalance compensation, feeder cap ... more
Study of Impact on Supply and Demand Operation by the Amount of V2G Controlled Electric Vehicles Installed
論文No: ページ数: 11 日付: 2024/08/01
著者: Kazuhiro Hidaka (Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering, Tokyo City University), Tatsuhito Nakajima (Graduate School of Integrative Science and Engineering, Tokyo City University), Toshiro Matsuda (Faculty of Advanced Science and Technolog
キーワード : electric vehicles,supply and demand operation,mixed integer programming,public transportation,vehicle-to-grid
This study simulates supply-demand operation based on Electric Vehicle (EV) travel data and examined the impact of the amount of V2G controlled EVs installed on supply-demand operation. We evaluated the effect of reducin ... more
Currently, load frequency control (LFC) in Japanese power systems is carried out in the individual control areas, and the control signal is allocated to regulated generators based on their ramp rate (RR method). In the f ... more
Verification of Occurrence of Overvoltage in Low-Voltage Circuits due to Lightning Strikes on Wireless Communication Towers in Electric Supply Stations and Measures to Suppress
In order to investigate measures to prevent damage to low-voltage circuits caused by direct lightning strikes to communication towers in electric supply stations, an impulse test was conducted and evaluated the effect of ... more
Providing electricity is quite important to sustain modern society. In order to realize high quality electricity reliability, sophisticated generator control is required so that stable frequency and voltage are maintaine ... more