Data Science, Simulation, and Experimental Methods for Exploration and Design of Superconducting Materials
論文No: ページ数: 6 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: 堀出 朋哉(名古屋大学),伊豫 彰(産業技術総合研究所),一野 祐亮(愛知工業大学)
キーワード : 超電導物質探索,機械学習,データベース,インフォマティクス,シミュレーション exploration of new superconductors,machine learning,database,informatics,simulation
The discovery of new superconductors has a significant impact on the scientific and engineering communities, unraveling interesting physical phenomena and providing unique applications in energy and devices. Superconduct ... more
Natural Language Processing for Materials Informatics of Literature Data―Examples in the Superconducting Material Development―
論文No: ページ数: 10 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: 桂 ゆかり((国研)物質・材料研究機構/筑波大学/(国研)理化学研究所)
キーワード : マテリアルズインフォマティクス,テキストデータマイニング,自然言語処理,大規模言語モデル,超電導材料 materials informatics,text & data mining,natural language processing,large language models,superconductors
As an emerging style of materials science, we discussed the basic and recent natural language processing technologies, that can be used to collect large experimental dataset for materials informatics. We introduce the cl ... more
Current Status and Future Perspective of the Utilization of Data Science Methods in the Development of Fabrication Processes for Superconducting Materials
The process informatics, which utilizes database constructed from process, computational simulation, measurement and structural analysis data, is a promising method for accelerating materials development. This review des ... more
The data-driven research has progressed in recent years. Particularly in the field of superconducting materials, there has been active research into the search for new materials, especially by materials informatics (MI). ... more
Image analysis to identify the phases from microstructural images is an important issue for understanding the mechanism associated with the microstructures of functional polycrystalline materials. In this study, the segm ... more
Calculated Waveform and Peculiarity of Radiated Electric Field due to Collision ESD between Metallic Spheres with Charging Voltages below 1000 V Using Spark Resistance Law
Collision ESD between charged metallic objects below 1000 V causes electromagnetic interference in electronic equipment and devices. This interference is being observed to intensify at lower charging voltages. The phenom ... more
Frequency and propagation time analyses of the TEV signals were carried out for various distances from patrial discharge source. It was found that the signal immediately after propagation to the TEV sensor contained a hi ... more
All-solid-state batteries, which replace the organic electrolytes used in existing lithium-ion batteries with inorganic solid electrolytes in powder form, are being developed as next-generation batteries for electric veh ... more
The Voltage and Reactive Power Control Methodology for Sub-transmission Network using Machine Learning
論文No: ページ数: 10 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: 松島 史弥(名古屋工業大学),青木 睦(名古屋工業大学),上田 勝久(中部電力(株)技術開発本部 電力技術研究所),Suresh Chand Verma(中部電力(株)技術開発本部 電力技術研究所),中津井 紳司(中部電力(株)技術開発本部 電力技術研究所)
キーワード : 電圧・無効電力制御,深層強化学習,太陽光発電システム,特別高圧系統,電圧推定 voltage and reactive power control,deep reinforcement learning,photovoltaic generation system,sub-transmission network,voltage estimation
A voltage and reactive power control method is used in substations to control transformer taps and shunt capacitors/reactors in order to maintain the voltage of a power system. It becomes difficult with the conventional ... more
This paper proposes a solar carport model that uses only renewable energy. The configuration of the model is the photovoltaic power generation, a power conditioner system, a transformer, LED lightings, and an electric ve ... more
If a voltage dip gets lower than a certain threshold at the moment when a transformer is energized, its mitigation is required. For this reason, when a transformer is energized, the voltage dip is calculated in advance a ... more
To study necessary actions to realize 2050 Carbon Neutrality, the impact of possible changes in major surrounding conditions on the power source mix is assessed mainly from an economic viewpoint. Prior research shows tha ... more
In an outdoor DC power supply system that enables bidirectional power transfer of DC 380V between multiple buildings, a short circuit causes a coordination problem in protection, resulting in power outage of the bus wiri ... more
Image recognition technology using deep learning is being actively researched every day, and the application fields of image recognition technology are expanding. For example, in the medical field, which many images are ... more
In this study, to realize a simple identification of surgical steel instruments, we proposed a method to detect surgical steel instruments using Faster R-CNN on ortho-images of surgical steel instruments acquired with an ... more
The surface SH-wave acoustoelasticity is one of the acoustoelastic methods, which is a stress measurement method based on the phenomenon that the propagation velocity of elastic waves changes depending on the stress stat ... more
We propose a system targeting visually impaired individuals that provides a couple of functions that help what they claim they are always in trouble when going out using public transportations. One of the functions alert ... more
PaDiM, an anomaly detection model using a pre-trained CNN on ImageNet, shows high performance. However, the pre-trained CNN model has a texture bias, resulting in poor performance for global anomalies. Therefore, we used ... more
Stock Monitoring and Localization Systems for FIFO Method Using RFID Based Pressure Sensing Tag and AI
論文No: ページ数: 7 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: Danang Kumara Hadi (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University/Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember), Zequn Song (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University), Budi Rahmadya (Compu
キーワード : AI,FIFO,stock monitoring,localization system,RFID,pressure sensing tag
This research introduces real-time monitoring and localizing product stock using the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) method with radio frequency identification (RFID) pressure sensing tags. The proposed FIFO system has RFID pr ... more
Effects of Visual Assist Signals on Unilateral Spatial Neglect and Its Measurement
論文No: ページ数: 10 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: 石田 隆志(琉球大学大学院理工学研究科),比嘉 広樹(琉球大学大学院理工学研究科)
キーワード : 半側空間無視,注意障害,最近接発達領域,支援信号 unilateral spatial neglect,attention disorder,zone of proximal development,assist signal
In this study, visual assist signals of unilateral spatial neglect (USN) were created from Kinsbourne’s hypothesis and implemented in an inspection system. While conventional inspection is a fixed view of the patient’s a ... more
A Preliminary Study on Correlation Between Independent Components of Facial Thermal Images and Subjective Assessment of Chronic Stress
論文No: ページ数: 7 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: Miyu Kimura (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University), Masahito Takano (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University), Kent Nagumo (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University),
キーワード : psychological stress,facial skin temperature distribution,thermography,independent component analysis
In recent years, the focus on mental health care in Japan has increased, leading to more attention from companies towards the mental well-being of their employees. Chronic stress, stemming from various sources including ... more
In the dairy farming sector, the need for efficient individual cow management via ICT has intensified owing to a declining workforce in the industry and a simultaneous increase in livestock numbers. To address challenges ... more
Delay-Tolerant Multi-Stage Relay Type Mobile Robot Tele-Operation Method Using LoRaWAN as Sub Communication Infrastructure
論文No: ページ数: 10 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: 横井 亮祐(富山県立大学),澤井 圭(富山県立大学),木 俊佑(富山県立大学),高木 昇(富山県立大学),増田 寛之(富山県立大学),本吉 達郎(富山県立大学)
キーワード : 移動ロボット,遠隔操作,LoRaWAN,予備通信インフラ,robot wireless sensor networks,多段中継ネットワーク mobile robot,tele-operation,LoRaWAN,sub communication infrastructure,robot wireless sensor networks,multi relay communication networks
In closed spaces after disasters, information gathering using mobile robots is conducted to prevent secondary disasters, such as injuries or fatalities of rescue teams. However, in such closed spaces, it is necessary for ... more
In virtual reality, it is necessary to clarify what kind of auditory stimuli are effective in presenting a pseudo-haptics sensation through auditory stimulation by cross-modal phenomena. In this study, we varied the pitc ... more
Proposal of a CNN-based Method for Predicting the Number of Clicks on Micro-event Flyer Images
論文No: ページ数: 13 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: 井上 大地((株) D2C),松本 慎平(広島工業大学)
キーワード : ソーシャルメディア,告知画像,CNN,クリック数 social media,flyer image,CNN,number of clicks
The web service “Tame-Map” enables users to easily transmit, view, and share information about small local activities, known as micro-events, which typically receive less attention on mainstream social media platforms. T ... more
This paper presents a CSI-based human detection system with commodity sensors: M5Stack. Especially, we remedy too sensitivity to individual with respect to measured CSI. Monitoring systems considering privacy proof is im ... more
In this study, a single-phase induction heating (IH)-applied water heating system with Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFET-based single-ended high frequency inverter is presented for home and consumer appliances. The proposed s ... more
This study proposes a novel integrated transformer structure with simple circuit configuration and miniaturized magnetic components. In a bridgeless flyback rectifier, two flyback converters operate corresponding to the ... more
Selection Method of Capacitor Capacity Considering the Influence of Gap Displacement in Self-excited Rail Brakes
論文No: ページ数: 8 日付: 2024/09/01
著者: 浮田 啓悟(鉄道総合技術研究所),坂本 泰明(鉄道総合技術研究所),佐藤 光秀(信州大学),水野 勉(信州大学)
キーワード : コンデンサ自己励磁,渦電流ブレーキ,レールブレーキ,リニア誘導モータ self-excitation using capacitors,eddy current brake,rail brake,linear induction motor
The authors proposed a rail brake that does not require a power supply by using capacitor self-excitation. In the case of capacitor self-excitation, the operating state changes passively as the rail brake gap changes. He ... more