Brief Screening Tools for Cognitive Impairment Using Motor Evoked Potentials in a Non-Active Manner
論文No: ページ数: 6 日付: 2024/12/01
著者: 片瀬 瑛仁(名古屋工業大学大学院工学研究科),加藤 昇平(名古屋工業大学大学院工学研究科),佐久間 拓人(名古屋工業大学大学院工学研究科),村上 丈伸(鳥取大学医学部医学科)
キーワード : 運動誘発電位,認知機能障害,経頭蓋磁気刺激法 motor evoked potentials,cognitive impairment,transcranial magnetic stimulation
The number of patients with dementia is increasing, and early detection of dementia is important to reduce the burden on medical institutions. Because Alzheimer's disease accounts for the largest proportion of causative ... more
Proposal and Evaluation of a Pitch Estimation Model Based on Reconstruction of the Spectrum of Input Sound by Using Timbre Information and Pitch Information
論文No: ページ数: 7 日付: 2024/12/01
著者: 川 凌司(名城大学大学院理工学研究科),坂野 秀樹(名城大学大学院理工学研究科),旭 健作(名城大学大学院理工学研究科)
キーワード : 自動採譜,多重音高推定,音楽情報検索,深層学習 automatic music transcription,multi-pitch estimation,music information retrieval,deep learning
Automatic music transcription (AMT) is a task that automatically generates music score from the sound of music. Pitch estimation is one of the most important technology in AMT, and its accuracy strongly affects the quali ... more
In Japan, head-on collisions involving automobiles constitute approximately 30% of accidents between vehicles, placing them among the leading causes. Therefore, our research focuses on preventing head-on collisions by st ... more
Individual identification methods using ICT are required to reduce the workload of dairy farmers. Our research focuses on animal vocalizations as one of the resources useful for individual identification. In previous stu ... more
Visually induced eye movements in larval fish, especially those in zebrafish have been intensively studied to understand neural mechanisms of sensory-motor transformation and motor learning. In this study, we developed a ... more
Optimized MAC Protocol for Throughput and Fairness in Multi-hop Adhoc WLANs
論文No: ページ数: 8 日付: 2024/12/01
著者: Takumi Sanada (The Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Aichi Prefectural University), Xuejun Tian (The Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Aichi Prefectural University), Takashi Okuda (The Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Aichi Prefectural University)
キーワード : WLANs,multi-hop,MAC,Backoff,throughput
Wireless local area networks (WLANs) have become increasingly popular and widely deployed. The medium access control (MAC) protocol is one of the important technologies in WLANs and directly affects communication efficie ... more
A cyber physical system that enables to evaluate the electromagnetic (EM) field of the wireless communication environment in which mobile objects exist is proposed. The high-speed electromagnetic analysis is achieved by ... more
Wire-free robot not using wires between links is proposed by utilizing wireless power transmission and communication. Attaching and detaching the links easily enable to install the arms into a facility on demand. Conside ... more
Power Control in Nano-Satellites Using Optimization Methods
論文No: ページ数: 9 日付: 2024/12/01
著者: 松本 優樹(東京電機大学大学院 理工学研究科),金丸 真奈美(東京電機大学大学院 理工学研究科),塚原 彰彦(東京電機大学大学院 理工学研究科),田中 慶太(東京電機大学大学院 理工学研究科)
キーワード : MPPT制御,山登り法,粒子群最適化法,遺伝的アルゴリズム Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control,Perturbation and Observation (P&O),Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO),Genetic Algorithm (GA)
This study aims to develop a high-power acquisition system for nano-satellites. Microcomputers are utilized for power control of nano-satellites, considering size and power consumption. In this study, Perturbation & Obse ... more
For the purpose of creating learning support tool for singing instruction, three acoustical parameters based on Singer's formant shown in classical singing voice is defined and discussed. Since Singer's formant is consid ... more
Data Augmentation Method Using Generative Model for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition
論文No: ページ数: 8 日付: 2024/12/01
著者: M部 翔太(名城大学),山田 啓一(名城大学)
キーワード : 人物行動認識,データ拡張,生成モデル,拡散モデル human action recognition,data augmentation,generative model,diffusion model
Human action recognition from video images generally requires a large amount of training data, but often only a limited amount of data is available. This paper proposes a data augmentation method using a generative model ... more
This paper proposes discrete spider monkey optimization with dynamic multiple populations for a vending machine column optimization problem. For beverage vending machines, there is a need to reduce the number of vending ... more
Multiple Content Selections Using Digital Signage Considering Changes in Purchasing Intentions
論文No: ページ数: 8 日付: 2024/12/01
著者: 前田 康成(北見工業大学地域未来デザイン工学科)
キーワード : デジタルサイネージ,複数回のコンテンツ選択,購買意欲,センサー,統計的決定理論 digital signage,multiple content selections,purchasing intention,sensor,statistical decision theory
There is a lot of previous research on sales promotion strategy using digital signage. Maximization of expected sales is one of important topics on sales promotion strategy using digital signage. In the previous research ... more
Improvement of the Typhoon Damage Prediction System for Electric Power Distribution Equipment (RAMPT): Proposal of a Correction Method Considering the Tree and Information of Landslide Hazard Prediction
論文No: ページ数: 9 日付: 2024/12/01
著者: 遠藤 尚希((一財)電力中央研究所),朱牟田 善治((一財)電力中央研究所),高橋 健吾((株)電力計算センター)
キーワード : 配電設備,被害予測,台風,土砂災害,倒木 electric power distribution equipment,damage prediction,typhoon,sediment disaster,fallen tree
Risk assessment and management system for power lifeline against typhoon (RAMPT), developed by the CRIEPI, is a system capable of predicting the amount of damage caused to distribution equipment based on wind forecasts. ... more
In this paper, we propose a method for classifying multiple gait patterns including abnormal movements when walking on stairs using micro-Doppler radar. We measured three types of movements while walking down the stairs, ... more
This paper introduces a parallel computation of Nested-Layer Particle Swarm Optimization (NLPSO) approach for investigating bifurcation points in continuous-time dynamical systems. The method offers efficient bifurcation ... more
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems Vol.144 No.12 (2024) Special Issue on “2023 Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Information, and Related Engineering”
論文No: ページ数: 126 日付: 2024/12/01
キーワード :
・運動誘発電位を用いた非能動的な認知機能障害の簡易スクリーニング:片瀬 瑛仁,加藤 昇平,佐久間 拓人,村上 丈伸・音色情報と音高情報を用いたスペクトルの再構成に基づく音高推定モデルの提案と評価:川 凌司,坂野 秀樹 ... more
Analysis of Electron Penetration into the Insulator in Finite Quantum Wells for Nanosheet MOSFETs
論文No: ページ数: 6 日付: 2024/11/01
著者: 平井 駿三朗(京都工芸繊維大学大学院工芸科学研究科),廣木 彰(京都工芸繊維大学大学院工芸科学研究科)
キーワード : 電子染み出し,ナノシート構造MOSFET,シュレディンガーポアソンモデル,有限量子井戸 electron penetration into the insulator,nanosheet MOSFETs,Schrodinger Poisson model,finite quantum well
In this paper, we analyze and quantitatively compare the electron density distribution along the sheet thickness of quantum wells formed in the finite and infinite potential barrier cases, assuming a nanosheet structure ... more
In this paper, we have analyzed sheet thickness and gate voltage dependence of electrical characteristics for nanosheet MOSFETs using a device simulation that takes quantum confinement effects into account. Since the she ... more
In this work, we propose an analytical model for predicting the peak position of electron density in Nanosheet MOSFETs. Quantum drift diffusion model is used to examine the distribution of electron density. Specifically, ... more
This paper analyzes stability of a grid-following inverter by the complex vector control in αβ domain and by the PLL synchronization control in dq domain. It is known that the frequency transfer function of the PLL may a ... more
A novel technique that manipulates tiny objects using electrostatic forces is proposed. This technique, which has grid-structure electrodes, potentially can drive multiple objects individually. One of the possible applic ... more
For the application of thermochromic smart windows, it is important to realize high visible light transparency, modulation of infrared transmission, and phase transition temperature around room temperature. For this purp ... more
Hyperdoping of semiconductors with deep impurities is a promising method to form intermediate bands. Hyperdoped semiconductors can be prepared by ion implantation followed by pulsed laser melting. However, since hyperdop ... more
We have successfully grown monoclinic (β) phase single-crystalline molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) films on a lattice-matched (LaAlO3)0.3-(SrAl0.5Ta0.5O3)0.7 (LSAT) substrate with a 5-nm-thick WO3 buffer layer by molecular be ... more
The recent development of wireless communication technology has increased the risk of electronic equipment malfunctions and information leaks. To address this issue, we developed and evaluated a lightweight and flexible ... more
We have investigated a transfer process for fabricating flexible thin films of hexagonal crystal systems. In this report, we proposed a transfer process utilizing the dissolution of ZnO and Sr3Al2O6 (SAO) multilayer, suc ... more
CO2 sensor device using thin film transistor (TFT) structure is attracting attention from the viewpoint of gas sensitivity and low power consumption because CO2 monitoring everywhere is required in various fields. Oxide ... more
Nitrogen (N) has attracted attention as a hole dopant for SnOx semiconductors. We have previously reported p-type conversion of n-type SnO2 thin films by N doping by thermal annealing in N2 atmosphere. Since the diffusio ... more